Friday, June 15, 2007

Fiction Books Recently Added to Bangor Public Library's Collection

Here are but a few of the fiction books recently added to the Bangor Public Library's collection.
Click on each book's image to link to the URSUS catalog record for each book. Once in a record, you can check the book's availability, put a request on a book (so long as it is not checked out), and click "More About the Item" to see a summary or a book review.

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

This is my first visit to your "blog" site. The idea is good. The execution seems a bit tedious, and, yet again, Google makes another foray into our lives through this blog. I sure have a Google account, but can't remember the ID or password. I use it as a search engine. I will try to post this without the help of Google.

Have any blind or visually impaired users commented on the blog site?

Bangor Public Library

Bangor Public Library
Bangor Public Library,
145 Harlow Street,
Bangor ME 04401
